Monday, November 25, 2013

Music and Worship

Just got back from an amazing pilgrimage to NCYC chaperoning for our parish youth group.  Throughout the time at NCYC I kept thinking about those I hear "condemn" the use of guitars, drums, or modern music in Mass, adoration, and worship, or that criticize how LifeTeen or other ministries "lower" the dignity of our faith and encourage irreverence through their "rock n' roll" ministries.  I never really agreed with those critics but now after experiencing 3 straight days of these types of ministries, Masses, Adoration, and worship, I have to say my tepid disagreement has turned to an outright rejection of the foolish idea that all worship must use the organ, and must be that "high" reverence, that seems to be based on the idea that the entire Mass must have emotions rooted in the overwhelming sadness at the foot of the Cross.