Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rick Pitino and the American Hypocrisy

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not complaining that an adulterer lost his job and that a public message was sent that adultery is not acceptable.  But, the reality is that a) it is exceptionally rare that any employer or institution take a moral stand on an issue like this and b) there is an enormous hypocrisy in the nation that says an employer can take steps to protect itself and the law will side with them while the people really, truly and most profoundly affected - the spouse and children - are stuck with this ridiculous legal concept of the "no fault" divorce.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What an amazing insight

Crying children call to mind the mystery of the Mass

A priest friend of mine posted a link to this earlier this week.  I enjoyed it when I read it.  I thought it was a great insight, especially since I recall attending Mass when our kids were infants at a Church without a "baby ghetto" and feeling those looks, stares, and unwelcoming glances.  It actually drove my wife and I away from the Church for several years.  I have since resolved to NEVER be so uncharitable or unloving to anyone that is actually making an effort to spend time with God at the Mass or in His House.

But... it wasn't until last night that I realized just how amazing this perspective is.

I keep coming back to this message...

Jesus is not a means and our experience an end

It is such a key thing to understand about or relationship with our God. I know that feeling of consolation; the joy, happiness, and overwhelming awareness that God is present and loving me.  It is amazing. It's remarkable. And it would be addictive if it were constant or regular. No doubt, I would turn to prayer, Mass, and adoration for the sake of that high alone if it were singeing I knew I could expect regularly.

But praise God, he knows me. He knows my weakness. He knows what I need.  He desires a true relationship where I choose to love Him for who is He is and how He loves me.  He knows that if I felt consolation every time I prayed, attended Mass, received the Eucharist, were absolved of my sins, or sat in the presence of the Eucharist I would do all those things simply for the pleasure I receive.

He's given and gives me just enough to be certain in my faith.  And I do all these things and more, not for the selfish pleasure, but out of sheer love and appreciation for who He is and what He has done and will do for me.

"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord!"