Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"A church that emphasizes the inclusive ministry of Jesus"

The church young Catholics want - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

As I read this article I repeatedly found myself pausing and thinking to myself, "She doesn't really understand her faith."  And after the third or fourth time, it dawned on me, at her age, I didn't either.  Some of that is due to the catechesis I received, some our culture, some my youth, and some my selfish desires and concupiscence.  I drifted as a "Catholic" going to Mass on Easter and Christmas Day, getting my kids baptized in a Church I rarely ventured into except for the occasional pancake breakfast or youth activity that was using the social hall.  I thought, the Church just isn't relevant, it's archaic, it needs to update itself in a number of areas and get with the times.  But, slowly, over time God worked His way into my mind and then my heart and through pain, suffering, life experience, truly exploring and really searching for Truth, I came to realize that there is nothing wrong with the Church's teachings.  They are teaching the authentic Truth handed to us by Jesus Christ, God become Man.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My thoughts on Pope Benedict's Resignation

Like everyone, yesterday morning I was caught completely off-guard by the announcement from Pope Benedict.  I awoke, said my morning prayer, grabbed my phone to check if there were any urgent emails waiting to ruin my day and I see the words "Pope Benedict resigns" scrolling across my phone's news ticker.
