Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rick Pitino and the American Hypocrisy

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not complaining that an adulterer lost his job and that a public message was sent that adultery is not acceptable.  But, the reality is that a) it is exceptionally rare that any employer or institution take a moral stand on an issue like this and b) there is an enormous hypocrisy in the nation that says an employer can take steps to protect itself and the law will side with them while the people really, truly and most profoundly affected - the spouse and children - are stuck with this ridiculous legal concept of the "no fault" divorce.

Rick Pitino's wife, the one directly and grievously harmed can file for divorce and under our no fault laws it will be granted without question.  But the court will be completely unconcerned that there actually is fault and that one party actually should have the court side with them to protect their interest, the courts (like UofA) should recognize there was a wrong committed that carries consequences for the offender and justifies protecting the aggrieved.

Maybe it's not as obvious in this case, but look at cases where women are the adulterers.  Carry on ridiculous, foolish affairs that actually put their children in physical danger.  They are married to good men that want to care for and protect the children.  But under our no fault law, that man can't go to the courts and show how her lies, her infidelities, her affairs with dangerous men pose a problem and get awarded child custody and protect the home and assets for the good of the kids.  Our "no fault" laws and the "conventional wisdom" that kids belong with the mother mean that not only are the consequences to the adulterer mitigated, but that those that were offended are subjected to further harm.  Similar harms occur when the adulterer is the husband, the mother and children end up losing physical and financial security.  But, at least the "normal" course of action ends up putting the kids with the parent that is putting family first, instead of putting them with the untrustworthy parent.

An employer can hold Rick Pitino accountable for his actions and take action to protect it and its interests, but identifying that the fault is his.  But a spouse?  They can't assign fault or get the law to side with them based on wrong doing, because there is "no fault".

Ridiculous how messed up we have become...