Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Looking for love in all the wrong places..."

Healing through the Divine Mercy

Fr. Longenecker shared some wonderful thoughts on what ails all of us and the answer to our ills, the Divine Mercy and Infinite Love of God.  I think many, if not all, of us struggle with feelings of loneliness, being unloved, or feeling betrayed or abandoned.  We were all created with a desire for love and belonging to another.  We created desiring union with God, our Creator.  But, we end up confused, wanting the love of a particular man or woman, wanting to feel validated for our beauty, our intellect, our skill at one thing or another, or expecting to be rewarded for our good deeds in a particular manner.  So much so that we become oblivious to the love that is actually there or become hooked on the residual effects of love or attention received in a particular manner.

Everything good that comes into our lives is rooted in God.  It finds its source in God's infinite and CONSTANT love.  I emphasize that word because it is God's unceasing love He shows us that I think makes it hard for us, at times, to see the forest through the trees...  We take God's love for granted, because it is absolute, certain and unceasing.  Let me give a few quick examples from the last 24 hours of my life...

1.  This morning I was standing in the shower, waking up, reflecting on my life and contemplating the day and  my thoughts were drawn to my marriage, my wife, our ongoing separation.  And that whisper of Satan crept into my conscious, "Why does God make me suffer like this? Why has He abandoned me? Why won't He care for me, love me, fix this?"  As that thought started to creep into my mind, I became sharply aware of the hot, soothing water of the shower.  I love hot showers.  Several years ago, when I went on mission to Guatemala, there were no hot showers, luke warm at best.  That was not pleasant for me.  I dislike camping for extended periods or other circumstances where I can't wake up daily and enjoy a hot shower to begin my day.  God has blessed me to live in a country where hot showers are readily available.  He was right there this morning making me feel loved and happy by giving me that hot shower.  But, I take it for granted...

2.  My daughter came to me last night, asking for something which I said "No" to.  The details are unimportant.  But the child's response was to get upset and start arguing.  I started to feel my anger level rise, by heart rate and breathing quickening.  My thoughts, "Why can't you just respect me, love me, and accept my answer?"  I wanted to feel loved, by my daughter  That she was not showing me the love and respect I am designed to need was causing me to grow angry and frustrated.  But, I was aware of my reaction.  I was particularly aware of the bodily response, the increased rate of my breathing.  I was aware of the air coming in and out of my body giving me life.  The love I needed to feel was there, God was loving me each time I would draw breath He was there filling my lungs.  Aware of His presence trying to fill that God-shaped hole in my heart, I was able to turn to my daughter and channel His love to her.  And by the power of His infinite love, the anger I was feeling, the anger she was feeling, all was vanquished, peace and tranquility returned to our house.

God is always present.  He is constantly offering us His infinite love and mercy.  We just have to stop demanding it in the way we want it and take the time to recognize how omnipresent it is.  How blessed we are.  How constant and infinite His love is in our lives.