Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"This town needs an enema!"

OK, more than this town, this entire nation.  Particularly the media.  While filling my coffee at work this morning a co-worker (who was on vacation all last week) and I were talking about what we did last week.  My attending a "Fortnight for Freedom" service on the Fourth led to a broader discussion of the "Fortnight" and the general movement to protest the HHS mandate.

My co-worker, who is really doesn't seem to care one way or the other, did make an interesting observation.  As I told him about the large rallies that I have attended just down the street from our office and the rallies that have taken place across the nation.  How large they have been, etc.  He was wondering why he hadn't heard anything about these rallies.  He noted that last year, when the "Occupy" movement was constantly in the news that the rally in Omaha had less than 300 in attendance.  And that few of the rallies, anywhere, exceeded 1000 people.  While the rallies here in Omaha around the Fortnight and the HHS mandate have all exceeded 700 people and rallies in more populace places are all well over 2000 attendees with regularity.  Yet, the media doesn't give it even 30 seconds on the nightly news.

All that attention that was given to such small groups, while 100% of the Nation's Catholic Bishops are speaking out against the HHS mandate and rallying much larger groups to public demonstration and get no coverage.

That is not reporting the news.  That is driving an agenda.

"This town needs an enema!"