Tuesday, February 7, 2012

HHS and Conscience...

I'm just amazed at how clueless so many in America have become and sadly it starts in the White House...
Look what the recent HHS mandate does, it tells Catholic organizations that they must foot the bill and provide the means for sin to their employees.  We aren't talking about providing something neutral to their employees, something that can be used for good or for sin, we're talking about them being forced to provide something that has a singular purpose and that is to sin.  That is what the institution teaches and believes as religious dogma.

And they are now being required, by law, to violate their religious beliefs.  What don't people understand about separating Church and State?

And for those making the inane argument that not providing this in health care insurance is revoking women's freedom? Please...  Americans will still be free to walk down to the local pharmacy or Planned Parenthood and pick up their birth control or abortifacients. And, as has been evidenced in this last weeks kerfuffle between Planned Parenthood and the Susan G. Komen foundation, there is plenty of people out there willing to freely contribute their money to grave immorality such as birth control and abortion.  You don't need to deny religious freedom to make abortifacients free to those that lack faith in God and His Natural Law.

It's really quite simple.  For centuries prior to the existence of this nation the Catholic Church has taught that birth control and abortion are gravely sinful.  It's a religious belief.  And the primary reason this nation came into existence was to escape religious oppression.  Today, our government is saying that regardless of your religious belief you must fund and condone birth control, abortifacients and sterilization.  You are not free to practice your religion.  Freedom to choose birth control does not mean freedom to force Catholics to fund your choice.