Thursday, March 7, 2013

Confused Catholics

I was just watching a couple videos on YouTube, one from a dissident Catholic that believes the Church needs to "modernize" its position on contraception, because it just doesn't make sense anymore in a world facing AIDS.  The usual, "celibate old men", "out of touch", and other standard arguments lacking any logic and refusing to understand why it is simply not an option for a Pope, Bishop, or Priest or any good Catholic to accept condom usage as legitimate teaching.

It's quite simple.  Pre-marital, extra-marital, and sex for purely pleasure that intentionally prevents the possibility of procreation is wrong.  It's not a grey area, it's 100% wrong.
 To teach that disordered sex is wrong but also teach use of condoms is OK is not just adapting to the culture, it is entirely contradictory and invalidates the basic teaching on human sexuality.

By the same logic that thinks the Church should update it's position on condoms, the Church should say, "Thou shalt not steal, but always wear gloves when commiting a crime to avoid leaving fingerprints."  Or, "One should not point a gun at another human beings head, but here's a shovel and a lawyer that will solve all the problems for you when you do put the gun to another person's head."

The teaching is simple, sex is to be reserved for marriage only and must always be open to procreation.  There is no room for condoms in that teaching.  And, further, if that teaching is observed, there is no risk of AIDS.  Condoms still carry a risk of AIDS and other STD's, while chaste living is a foolproof way to guarantee you won't contract an STD.