Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What a mess...

This morning I came across this article "Surrogate offered $10,000 to abort baby" on CNN.com.  As I read it, I certainly was encouraged by the surrogate's desire to do good, to protect life, and to bring this child into the world and give it a chance despite the challenges.  But, at the same time I could not help but think that this whole mess, the reaction of the genetic father and his wife, the fleeing to another state, the enticement to murder with cash, and the legal battles are all simply the product of the horribly wrong practice of in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, man trying to play God and separate marriage from sex and sex from reproduction.

Here a woman is selling the rights to her reproductive organs to anyone that will buy the rights, people are pursuing unnatural means for having children, means that inevitably lead to dead young babies (you did read that part that two embryos were implanted right? and only one implanted... that means there were two human lives created in test tubes and one died due to man's meddling with reproduction...)  And then we have people thinking a contract can some how give them not only property rights to the unborn child, but also to another human beings body? And in some states that is the law?

What a mess.  Children should be the natural product of a loving relationship between a man and a woman that have committed their lives to one another and any potential children through marriage.  While I feel for the husband and wife that desire children but are incapable of having children naturally, look at the mess you create by trying to defy nature.  As bad as I feel for the infertile couple, I feel far worse for the thousands of innocent children that are denied the opportunity at living their life because we try to play God.

I feel sorry for the "abnormal" child and their loving parents that are scorned or ridiculed or judged for giving life a chance, by those that wish to selectively kill those that don't perfectly fit their model of what child should be.  I pray that we never discover ways to predict if a child will be an artist, a scientist, a skilled laborer, or any other way be able to accurately predict their future abilities and likeliness to succeed by some arbitrary, wealth focused standard, because if that day ever comes, I dread considering the great people we will lose simply because they don't fit perfectly into some egotistists family portrait.  Forbid a Fortune 100 CEO end up with the world's next Michelangelo that never earns a dime in his life, but creates some of the most amazing frescoes that come to be hailed as the masterpieces of this millenium, if only she had been allowed to live...  but those long-haired, artistics types just don't have a place in the "perfect" family portrait of some multi-millionaire families...

The whole thing is really quite simple.  If you're a man, seek and find a woman that you are willing to commit your life, welcoming children or the lack of children as nature grants you.  If you're a woman, seek a man for the same purpose.  Understand how children come into existence and that there is no way to 100% prevent conception, so do not engage in the activity that creates children until you have found that man or woman you are willing to spend the rest of your life with, that you are willing to share the responsibility and joy of being a parent with for the rest of your lives.  When you find that person, make your commitment to them and to the possibility of children known by marrying them.  Then let nature take its course.  Stay faithful and loyal to one another and the children you have or have yet to have.  And if you follow this not only will you actually find happiness, but you'll avoid messes like this, and you won't have any share in the responsibility for killing hundreds of young children conceived in petri dishes...